Testing improves accuracy.
With collaborative approach combined with sound technical expertise and in-depth experience, RhombusTek becomes your ideal partner for testing and validation services. We use following techniques to ensure that you receive effective and efficient testing for your products.Black-box testing
It alludes to any test which is conducted at the software interface. This test is used to uncover the errors in the outcome of the codes and also determine whether the software functions are operational by checking if the input is properly accepted and output is correctly produced. This test doesn't investigate the coding part of the software.White-box Testing
On the other hand, white box testing refers to the detailed investigation of internal logic and structure of the software. It is also known as glass testing or open box testing. To conduct white-box testing, the tester needs to possess the know-how of the code functions. The tester needs to check the source code thoroughly and find out the errors.Performance Testing
It is a testing, which is performed, to see how the components of a system function in a given situation. Utilization of resources, scalability and accuracy are also checked through this testing. It also recognizes potential issues of the software and is vital for enhancing software's performance.Automated Testing
It is a type of test in which software tools conduct pre-scripted tests on an application before it is released into production. Through this test, the tester is able to record the pre-defined actions and analyze the results.